Seals, sigils, symbols and signs of Archangel Samael from February 2019

Seals, sigils and symbols of my mighty astral father, Archangel Samael.

The 11-11 portal known in esoteric circles also opened in November 2019 and the year before on 2018-11-11. Which numerically adds up to 11-11-11. Previously, I had expressed my wish of seeing Archangel Samael. He/she appeared for the first time in my dream.

In profound love and honor of his/her majesty, I post these pictures. On my right hand palm (1st picture, left upper corner), are the astrological symbols of Aries, Mars and Scorpio. The planet and zodiac signs Archangel Samael influences. He/she rules Aries.

On the back of my left hand (2nd picture, left bottom corner), is Archangel Samael’s calling sign when writing petition letters, the upright sword.

On my left hand palm (3rd picture, right upper corner), is the hermetic astrological sigil including the personal signature of Archangel Samael.

On the back of my right hand (4th picture, right bottom corner), is the Rose Cross Wheel sigil spelling out the Hebrew name of Archangel Samael, SMAL.

All sigils and symbols are in red, the color of Mars

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