Seals, sigils, symbols and signs of Archangel Michael from November 2019

Seals and symbols of his/her excellency, Archangel Michael.

I feel truly honored to have worked with Archangel Michael and received his/her majestic blessings. I thank Archangel Michael for all the incredible mercy and kindness he/she has shown me and my family.

In profound love and honor of his/her presence, I post these pictures. On my right hand palm (1st picture, left upper corner), are the astrological symbols of Gemini, Mercury and Virgo. The planet and zodiac signs Archangel Michael influences. He/she rules Gemini.

On the back of my left hand (2nd picture, left bottom corner), is Archangel Michael’s calling sign when writing petition letters, the royal crown.

On my left hand palm (3rd picture, right upper corner), is the hermetic astrological sigil including the personal signature of Archangel Michael.

On the back of my right hand (4th picture, right bottom corner), is the Rose Cross Wheel sigil spelling out the Hebrew name of Archangel Michael, MYKAL.

All sigils and symbols are in orange, the color of Mercury. Tattooing sigils and symbols into the skin for permanent extra power, is a secret taught by Archangel Raziel who rules the planet Neptune, the zodiac sign Pisces and governs all magick

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