Methods of spiritual and physical protection

Various protective and cleansing methods I compiled a long time ago.

For improving oneself:

– Positive thinking and balanced and loving lifestyle (eat, drink, exercise & sleep right, smile, laugh and so on)

– Daily mantras and affirmations (your own or written by others)

Monaural/binaural/isochronic frequencies

Meditation (reiki, mischellaneous others or own made ones)

– (Chakra) Yoga

Salt, herb and oil baths optionally with lavender (once a month or week)

– Showering with cleansing visualization technique

– Envisioning a divine brilliant white light washing you and forming a protective light cylinder or barrier

– Drinking herb tea (rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint etc.)

– Eating garlic and salt regularly

– Consuming food with warding spices and herbs (e.g. cayenne pepper, basil, cinnamon or marjoram)

For improving oneself and/or the environment:

* Smudging

* Asking (Arch)angels through prayers or invocation(s) ritual(s) to shield or ward you from evil

* (Counter) Spells

* Warding sigils and symbols

* Tingsha bells, singing bowls, chymes or any other high frequency ringing tools (often used in smudging)

* Clapping sounds

* Carrying specific protecting crystals (black tourmaline, black obsidian, jet, onyx, rutilated quartz, smokey quartz, blue kyanite and many more) or salt

* The Hamsa talisman (or similar amulets/pendants like the Nazar eye bead)

* Incense (such as frankincense, dragon’s blood, myrrh, cedarwood, sandalwood, pine)

* Prayers

* Rituals like The Lesser Banishing Ritual of The Pentagram (LBRP) and the Rose Cross Ritual (transforming negative or dormant energy into positivity)

Some of them are more general like smudging and crystals, while others such as salt and incense work against curses as well. Also, several ones are even more efficient when combined, e.g. the LBRP practiced daily with garlic consumption and visualization of white surrounding light

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